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O Romance de um Médico

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O autor descreve as condições de trabalho do início do século XX e relata de um modo estarrecedor as dificuldades e tragédias ocorridas nas minas de carvão inglesas. O protagonista é o jovem médico Andrew Manson, que inicia sua prática profissional numa pequena aldeia do País de Gales, Drineffy. Dr. Manson dedica-se de forma intensa aos seus doentes, pondo em prática todo o idealismo de um jovem médico. Casa-se com a professora Christine Barlow, e mais tarde o casal parte para Londres. Na cidade grande, Andrew entra em contato com a classe médica conceituada que atende exclusivamente aos mais ricos. |...|
A. J. Cronin - A Cidadela (O Romance de um Médico). Prefácio e tradução brasileira do original inglês por Genolino Amado. |...| [Wikipedia] 'The Citadel is a novel by A. J. Cronin, first published in 1937, which was groundbreaking with its treatment of the contentious theme of medical ethics. For his fifth book, Dr. Cronin drew on his experiences practising medicine in the coal mining communities of the South Wales Valleys —as he had for The Stars Look Down two years earlier. Specifically, he had researched and reported on the correlation between coal dust inhalation and lung disease in the town of Tredegar. He had also worked as a doctor for the Tredegar Medical Aid Society at the Cottage Hospital, which served as the model for the National Health Service. Cronin once stated in an interview, "I have written in The Citadel all I feel about the medical profession, its injustices, its hide-bound unscientific stubbornness, its humbug ... The horrors and inequities detailed in the story I have personally witnessed. This is not an attack against individuals, but against a system." The novel was made into a 1938 film with Robert Donat, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Richardson and Rex Harrison, and television versions include one American (1960), two British (1960 & 1983), and two Italian (1964 & 2003) adaptations of the novel. There are also three Indian film adaptations: Tere Mere Sapne (1971) in Hindi, Jiban Saikate (1972) in Bengali and Madhura Swapnam (1982) in Telugu'.

Romance / Aventura / Comunicação / Drama / Ficção / História / Literatura Estrangeira / Medicina e Saúde / Suspense e Mistério