Download Supernatural Serial Killers PDF

Chilling Cases of Paranormal Bloodlust and Deranged Fantasy

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What makes a serial killer worthy of a monstrous moniker?

How did some of the world's worst serial killers - such as Albert Fish, the Brooklyn Vampire, or Friedrich 'Fritz' Haarmann, the Werewolf of Hanover - gain their affiliation with the supernatural? Why does the society place such otherworldly labels on this murderous people? This book examines the stories of 16 infamous serial killers with such supernatural nicknames to shed light on this intriguing questions. The authors study the personal histories and chilling crimes of these deadly individuals, discerning and discussing the fascinating - and often brutal - psychological and forensic factors that combined to immortalize them as living, breathing real-life monsters.

Contos / História / Horror / Línguas Estrangeiras / Não-ficção / Suspense e Mistério / Terror